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Fetching Data for Tableau with Python

This tutorial describes how to fetch data from the Communications Mining platform into a format suitable for importing into Tableau or similar analytics application, using Python 3.

Permissions required for this tutorial
  • View sources
  • View labels
  • Streams admin
  • Consume streams

Data in this tutorial

This tutorial will show how to fetch the following data:

Communications Mining fields:

  • label prediction for each label in the taxonomy (either 0 if label is not predicted, or a value between 0.0 and 1.0)
  • matched entities
  • Quality of Service score (if Quality of Service is enabled for the dataset)
  • Tone score (if Tone is enabled for the dataset)

Comment data:

  • IDs
    • comment ID
    • source ID
    • email Message ID (unique ID provided by Exchange)
    • thread ID
  • email subject
  • email body
  • email FROM sender
  • list of email TO recipients
  • list of email CC recipients
  • list of email BCC recipients
  • mailbox folder (where the email was at the time it was synced)
  • number of attachments
  • list of attachment names
  • email SENT AT timestamp

Python example

This section demonstrates how to fetch comments from the Communications Mining platform and convert them into a format suitable for Tableau or similar analytics applications. Please adapt this example to your specific requirements.

Please ensure you are using Python 3 and have the following libraries installed:

  • urllib3 and requests (for making requests to the Communications Mining API)
  • pandas (for converting the data to dataframe in the final step of the tutorial)


Identify resources needed for the following steps.

  • Your API endpoint
    • For tenants onboarded via UiPath:<my_uipath_organisation>/<my_uipath_tenant>/reinfer_/api/v1
    • For standalone tenants: https://<my_domain>
  • Your API token
  • Name of the dataset from which to fetch comments
  • Name of the stream to use for fetching comments. You should either create a new stream or use an existing stream.
DATASET_NAME = "project-name/dataset-name"
STREAM_NAME = "stream-name"

Create a requests session which will be used for all API requests. It is recommended that you configure it to retry failed requests (see example).

from requests import Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from http import HTTPStatus

allowed_methods=["GET", "POST"],

adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=RETRY_STRATEGY)
session = Session()
session.mount("https://", adapter)
session.mount("http://", adapter)

session.headers.update({"Authorization": "Bearer " + API_TOKEN})

# If you need to use a proxy to connect to the internet, see
# on how to configure a proxy for your `requests` session.

The following steps raise a DownloadError in case of errors.

class DownloadError(Exception):

Label Taxonomy and Entities

Get the label taxonomy (i.e. names of all labels) of the dataset for the model version used by the stream. This is needed for the next step.

# get model version used by the stream
stream_response = session.get(
stream_response_json = stream_response.json()
if not stream_response.ok:
raise DownloadError(stream_response_json)
model_version = stream_response_json["stream"]["model"]["version"]

# get label taxonomy
model_stats_response = session.get(
model_stats_response_json = model_stats_response.json()
if not model_stats_response.ok:
raise DownloadError(model_stats_response_json)
label_taxonomy = [
label["name"] for label in model_stats_response_json["validation"]["labels"]
entities = [
entity["name"] for entity in model_stats_response_json["validation"]["entities"]

# sort for use in next steps

Comment Conversion

Communications Mining returns comments as nested JSON objects. For use in Tableau or similar applications, the nested JSON objects need to be converted into a more suitable tabular format.

Define a utility function to convert a Communications Mining comment object to a tabular format.

Note that since a comment can have multiple of the same entity, in this example all matched entities of the same type are concatenated and put in the same column.

def comment_to_dict(comment, sorted_taxonomy, sorted_entities):

message = comment["comment"]["messages"][0] # email fields
userprops = comment["comment"]["user_properties"] # comment metadata
labelprops = {
for prop in comment.get("label_properties", [])
} # QOS and Tone scores (if enabled in dataset)
predictions = {
" > ".join(prediction["name"]):prediction["probability"]
for prediction in comment.get("labels", [])
entities = comment.get("entities", [])

attachments = comment["comment"].get("attachments", [])

comment_dict = {
# comment
"comment_id": comment["comment"]['id'],
"comment_uid": comment["comment"]['uid'],
"source_id": comment["comment"]['source_id'],
"comment_timestamp": comment["comment"]['timestamp'],
# email fields
"email_subject": message.get("subject", {}).get("text"),
"email_message": message.get("body", {}).get("text"),
"email_from": message.get("from"),
"email_to": message.get("to", []),
"email_cc": message.get("cc", []),
"email_bcc": message.get("bcc", []),
"email_sent_at": message.get("sent_at"),
"email_message_id": userprops.get("string:Message ID"),
"email_folder": userprops.get("string:Folder"),
"email_num_attachments": len(attachments),
"email_attachments": attachments,
"has_attachments": len(attachments) > 0,
"total_attachment_size_bytes": sum([item["size"] for item in attachments]),
"attachment_names": [item["name"] for item in attachments],
"attachment_types": [item["content_type"] for item in attachments],
"thread_id": comment["comment"].get('thread_id'),
# QOS and Tone scores
"qos_score": labelprops.get("quality_of_service"),
"tone_score": labelprops.get("tone"),
for label in sorted_taxonomy:
comment_dict[label] = predictions.get(label, 0)
for entity in sorted_entities:
comment_dict[entity] = ", ".join([
for item in entities if item["name"] == entity])
return comment_dict

Set Stream Starting Point

By default a stream will return comments newer than its creation time. During development it is often necessary to reset the stream to start from a specific point in time.

STARTING_TIME = "2023-01-03T16:05:00"  # change to required starting time

stream_reset_response =
"to_comment_created_at": STARTING_TIME
stream_reset_response_json = stream_reset_response.json()
if not stream_reset_response.ok:
raise DownloadError(stream_reset_response_json)

Fetch-Advance Loop

A stream provides comments in batches and keeps track of the last fetched comment. Comments are fetched using the stream fetch route, and a batch is acknowledged using the stream advance route. If a batch isn't acknowledged, the stream won't move on to providing the next batch. Hence the process of fetching comments from Communications Mining is referred to as the fetch-advance loop.

Define a utility function that fetches comments by repeating the fetch-advance loop until all comments are fetched. For demonstration purposes, this function stores all fetched comments in-memory. In a production scenario, or any scenario with a large quantity of data, each batch of comments should be pushed to a data store or appended to a file instead.

Since the stream keeps track of the last fetched comment, it is safe to stop and resume this process.

import pandas as pd

def fetch_comments_from_stream(api_endpoint, dataset_name, stream_name, batch_size, label_taxonomy):
"""Fetch comments until no more comments are available"""

comment_dicts = []

while True:
# fetch BATCH_SIZE comments from stream
fetch_response =
"size": batch_size,

# get comments from response
fetch_response_json = fetch_response.json()
if not fetch_response.ok:
raise DownloadError(fetch_response_json)
comments = fetch_response_json["results"]
if len(comments) == 0:

# process comments
for comment in comments:
comment_dicts.append(comment_to_dict(comment, label_taxonomy, entities))

# advance stream using the `sequence_id` from response
advance_response =
"sequence_id": fetch_response_json["sequence_id"],
advance_response_json = advance_response.json()
if not advance_response.ok:
raise DownloadError(advance_response_json)

return comment_dicts

BATCH_SIZE = 100 # number of comments to fetch in each `fetch` request. max value is 1024.

comment_dicts = fetch_comments_from_stream(

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(comment_dicts)

# do something with `df`

At this point you can continue with processing or storing the data according to your requirements.

If you need to fetch the same data again (for testing purposes), the stream needs to be reset.